Friday, January 14, 2011

Ophiuchus - 13th Zodiac Sign

he constellation, Ophiuchus, has been known since ancient times, and is better known as Serpentarius, the Serpent Holder. It  is included in the list of 48 constellations described by Ptolemy. Ophiuchus is depicted as a man handling a serpent; his body dividing the large snake into two parts, giving way to the symbol used today as an Asclepius - the medical staff.Astrologers have not included Ophiuchus in the wheel of Astrological signs because the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th sign of the Mazzaroth. Not that there wasn't a 13th sign in the Heavens, but as far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation 'Scorpius' and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. In reality, this was not the case. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation 'Ophiuchus' before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius - see chart below. thus  The sign of Ophiuchus is patterned after the original 'Serpent Holder', Enki, a Sumerian god.
he signs of the Zodiac are for the most part, the highway, or path on which the Sun takes it's yearly journey across the heavens -  as it would appear to Earthlings. These signs are actually star constellations occupying space in which the Sun appears to travels in an earth year. The original twelve signs/constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are quite familiar to everyone, however, the thirteenth sign and constellation, [Ophiuchus], is in fact, not well known.  To acknowledge a 13th sign now would seem awkward for astrologers, who like the tidiness of 12 signs that rule over the 12 houses of the Zodiac. The heavens are alive and they do change after a few thousand years and the astrologer who wants to maintain accuracy must change along with the signs in the heavens.
he constellation of Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is linked to a real man. This man lived in ancient Egypt around the 27th century BCE, and his name was Imhotep [again patterned after Enki]. Many of the same attributes of Imhotep can also be found in the Biblical Hebrew man Joseph, son of Jacob - [see comparison chart for these two men in separate article].  Imhotep is credited with many accomplishments including the knowledge and use of medicine.  It is said of Imhotep that he brought the art of healing to mankind. The symbol of a serpent [or snake], which is still widely used today to represent the medical profession, was used to represent Imhotep.  Imhotep was also known as 'Aesclepius' to the ancient Greeks, but by any name the attributes are still all the same. The attributes listed below describe the Serpent Holder, Imhotep, i.e. the Hebrew Joseph, and Aesclepius. The keyword descriptions seen below, originated with Betty Rhodes, and are the attributes for the 13th sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shrimp and Lobster Entree Pictures Carnival Sensation Cruise

My son ordered the shrimp and lobster entree during our cruise on the Sensation to the Bahamas. It was so good I think it was gone in about 3.2 seconds!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Prime Rib Entree Pictures Carnival Sensation Cruise

I love Prime Rib and this meal did not disappoint. This was cooked to pefection and served with real horseradish. My husband tried the Prime Rib at the Captain's Dinner and he really liked it too. It was his first time trying this cut. I'm ready to go on another cruise just so I can order this meal again!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Proscuitto Ruffles and Melon Appetizer Pictures Carnival Sensation

Here is an appetizer that I had on our Carnival Cruise during the Captain's Dinner. I found the combination of the salty Proscuitto and sweet melon to be very pleasing. I also learned that I am not a huge Proscuitto fan. I wouldn't order it again but I'm glad I tried it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Strawberry Bisque on Carnival Sensation Cruise Picture and Recipe

My son tried the Strawberry Bisque one night on our Carnival Cruise at dinner. It was served cold with mint. I never thought something like this would be an appetizer but it was fantastic! Very tasty and a great starter to a wonderful dinner. Don't be afraid to try it!


Copy Cat Recipe:


    • 2 cups frozen strawberries
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1/2 cup heavy cream ( whipping cream)
    • 1/2 cup sour cream
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • fresh mint


  1. Puree strawberries, milk, cream and sour cream in blender or food processor until smooth.
  2. Stir in sugar.
  3. Chill 8 hours or overnight in refrigerator before serving.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Food from Mongolian Grill Carnival Cruise

My husband was ecstatic when he found out they had this buffet line. Noodles cooked to order. Wide selection of sauces, ingredients all cooked fresh. The only problem is is closes at 3 pm!! We only got some the first day upon boarding and the last day. Next cruise, if they have the same asian food buffet, we will make it much more of a point to get there several times. Much better than the hamburger line. (ignore the spillage - husband did that).  On the left is squid.